Java vs. C++: What do you want?

5 min readMay 24, 2021


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C++ and Java are two of the most well-known programming languages. Because of their vast range of applications, these two computer programming languages are quite popular.

Learning C++ and Java will provide you with a solid foundation in programming. So, before moving on to other languages and technologies, everybody who is new to programming should learn one or both of these languages. This is why C++ and/or Java are required subjects at programming schools and universities so that students can gain a thorough understanding of what programming entails.

Java and C++ are two of the top five programmes in the world. Both of them seem great choices for anyone planning to begin code-learning. How do you choose, is the problem?

Despite their many differences, the two have a lot of things in common, including the following:

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1) Both C++ and Java allow Object Oriented Programming:

OOPs is a modular programming style that allows data to be applied to a specific programme area. It also offers a reusability characteristic that enables for the development of productive reasoning, emphasizing the relevance of data. It is capable of dealing with both classes and objects. OOPs have the following characteristics:

The technique through which objects of one class are related to and share comparable features with those of another class is called inheritance.

Polymorphism: Allows us to do the same thing in different ways. It refers to the practice of using a function for several purposes.

Abstraction is the process of depicting core features without including surrounding aspects.

Encapsulation is the process by which data and functions are combined into one unit.

2) Execution:

Java source code files are converted to bytecode or.class files at compile time. The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) will load the.class file at runtime and convert it to machine code using an interpreter. After compiling method calls (using a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler), JVM will run the optimised code. As a result, Java can be compiled as well as interpreted.

C++, on the other hand, executes code using only a compiler. The source code is compiled into machine code by the C++ compiler. As a result, while C++ is faster than Java, it does not run on any platform.

3) Syntax:

Both were created using the same C language, which was done on purpose by the Java team to make the new language’s syntax look familiar to developers who were mostly working with C++ at the time. Many keywords, as well as some operator groups (public, private, static, break, continue, char), are actually the same (arithmetic and relational).

4) Java and C++ both contain primitive types that are similar.

There are a few minor inconsistencies (for example, in Java and C++, the same type is called boolean and bool), but that’s it. Even comments have the same format: two forward slashes (//) or a single slash followed by an asterisk (beginning with /* and ending with */).

You won’t be able to ignore the distinctions:

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1) You’re probably aware that the main difference between C++ and Java is that Java is platform-agnostic, whereas C++ isn’t. Aside from that, there are a few minor but major variances between each language.

2) When comparing the syntax of Java and C++, you’ll notice that C++ is the only one that supports pointers. Simply said, a pointer is a variable that contains as its value the address of another variable. They’re useful for coding, but you must be careful with them since if you don’t, they may create memory leaks. This is why C++ falls short of Java in terms of security in some circumstances.

3) Unlike C++, Java has built-in support for threads. Consider a process thread that is so light that the system can run several of them at the same time. The central processing unit (CPU) requires less cycles in this situation, and the system works more effectively. This mechanism is known as multithreading in Java, however it does not exist in C++. However, a class or object in Java can only inherit features from one parent, whereas C++ allows multiple inheritance.

4) The way memory management is handled in C++ and Java is another key difference. In C++, you manually acquire and deallocate memory using particular functions. Garbage collection is a Java feature, which means that the system handles it for you. When comparing Java vs. C++ for this feature, though, it’s impossible to say which is better. While automatic is always the more convenient option, there are situations when a developer would like to maintain control — more on that later.

Which of the two programming languages, Java or C++, will you pick?

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Java and C++ are both capable of producing a wide range of programmes. The language you employ, on the other hand, is dictated by what you wish to develop.

C++ is most commonly used in software that requires “hardware-level” manipulation. One distinction between C++ and Java is that C++ is the most machine-like language, making it ideal for software that must run swiftly and interact directly with your computer’s memory, hard drive, CPU, or other hardware. C++ is very widely used in gaming applications, where speed is critical.

Although Java can modify hardware, it is not widely used for low-level programming because it is a “safer” language. Java is chosen for higher-level programmes because it does not allow you to execute certain operations to secure the PC.

Because Java is the backbone for Android programming, it will be your language of choice if you want to create an Android-specific app. Java is also widely used for web and desktop applications, as well as server-side applications. Because Java is more well-known and versatile than a “harder” language like C++, it’s also easier to locate a Java developer.

Overall, C++ can be used for almost anything, but it’s not always necessary to use it. Java is usually sufficient and can be much more effective for your project. You can find more developers who know Java, and you’ll be able to find more developers to pick up where your former developer left off if you part ways.

The best way to make a firm decision is to post your project and ask developers for their opinions. They can tell you which language is right for your project to help guide you to the right solution.

In the war of Java vs. C++, there can never be a clear winner: it all relies on the developer’s demands and ambitions. However, we hope that our thorough comparison has assisted you in determining which option is best for you.

